4 tips for properly organizing each room in your home
With the new year on the horizon, there are so many ways to recharge and prepare for 2018. You can start a new diet, implement exercise into your daily routine and vow to spend more time with the ones you love. Or, you can go through each home in your room and declutter – a cleanse that’s good for your mind and soul, as well as the atmosphere of your space.
If you promise to keep your house more organized every year, but always see itย end up in shambles by March, don’t worry. Here are a few foolproof tips for organizing your space and keeping it in top shape from January to December:
1. Start recycling
How many times a year does the pile of mail near the front door stack up? This year, vow to place junk mail and valuable bills and letters where they belong. Start recycling the mail that you don’t open, as well as the coupons, circulars and local magazines that tend to stick around longer than they need to.
2. Make use of empty spaces
Take a look around your bedrooms, dining room, family room and other living areas you frequent often – do you see a lot of empty space? If art and other decor isn’t taking up a lot of your wallspace, hang a few shelves to store books, magazines and other trinkets that tend to clutter the tables. Also, use the empty space under couches and beds to store large items – but only if a furniture skirt can hide them.
3. Invest in custom shelving units
If your closets tend to be the designated disaster area in your home, invest in a new storage system. A personal decorator from Decorating Den Interiors can help you customize a shelving unit that works with your space. Your closet can go from drab to fab almost instantly with an investment like this.
4. Follow a weekly cleaning regimen
Keeping your rooms organized through the year is likely the biggest challenge you face. It’s not difficult making the initial adjustments, but keeping things clean can be hard with a busy schedule. To ensure your home stays organized throughout the year, vow to follow a scheduled cleaning regimen at the end of every week. This is a simple way to maintain your goals and keep yourself from making the same mistake you made last year.
Now that you have the motivation to keep things clean in 2018, why not call a personal decorator from Decorating Den Interiors to start the renovations? He or she will come to your home for a free consultation and give recommendations about how to rearrange your furniture and make the best possible use of the space to keep things organized during the new year. Plus, he or she can introduce you to different shelving units you can customize to achieve the ultimate decluttering system in any room.
What are you waiting for? Contact a design consultant today to prepare for January!