How to choose a theme for your newborn’s room
Welcoming a newborn baby into the world is nothing short of an exciting adventure. But before you can bring the bundle of joy home, you have to prepare the nursery. While choosing a theme can be difficult at first, designing your newborn’s room can be one of the more fun and exciting parts of new baby preparation.
Remember: You and your new baby will be spending a lot of time in this room, so it’s important to make sure it’s a cozy spot that makes it easy to relax. If you’re still not sure how to decorate your nursery and your due date is fast approaching, here are a few things to keep in mind:
Gender-neutral or -specific colors
Traditionally, designing a nursery theme based on baby gender is the easy route: blue for boys and pink for girls. But you don’t necessarily have to follow this unwritten rule. According to Home Edit, choosing a nursery color should be a thought-out process because certain hues have different effects on the human body and can influence your baby’s development and behavior. For instance, warm colors like orange and red stimulate the mind, while cool colors like blue have a calming impact. Think about this before you start painting the walls.
Animals or shapes and designs
Animals are another traditional design that many parents gravitate toward, but you don’t have to take this route. We recommend choosing between an animal or a geometric shape theme to ensure the room follows a cohesive design. You don’t want the space to seem too busy or cluttered, as this confusion can make it difficult for your newborn to relax and fall asleep.
Don’t let necessities fall by the waysideCreating a focal point
While the crib is most commonly the main focal point of the nursery, The Spruce pointed out that you can center in on another piece of furniture instead. Try drawing the focus to a beautiful toy chest, dresser or changing table. Perhaps you can even bring attention to the large window by choosing elegant window treatments. The options are endless; just make sure you don’t let your focal point get lost in translation. It’s important to put more emphasis on one piece of furniture to give the room dominance.
You might have a gorgeous nursery design and setup in mind, but you have to make sure all necessities are included before you run out of space. Beyond the crib, the changing table, a night light, laundry basket, a rocker for nursing and storage units for blankets and trinkets are a few of the essentials you can’t forget while designing the nursery. As soon as you choose your theme, think about these essential pieces and how you can properly incorporate them into your design.
While coming up with the theme can be a thrilling project, you may be overwhelmed by all of the other things that come with preparing for a newborn. Instead of stressing yourself out over the nursery, contact a design consultant from Decorating Den. He or she will come to your home and evaluate the space for the baby’s room. Then, your personal decorator will help you choose a theme based on the allotted area and your ideas and personal preferences. He or she will eliminate the stress that comes with home design and create the cozy and inviting nursery of your dreams.
Your baby will be here before you know it, so don’t hesitate to contact a personal decorator today.